In this corner weighing in at --- pounds, Mommy. And the challenger, weighing in at 40 pounds, Aiden the four year old. This is scheduled for an endless amount of rounds. First to give wins.
So during my staycation I noticed that my four year old is a royal spoiled brat. If he doesn't get what he wants he throws a fit and gets it. I have been watching him and seen his little mind twisting around. It hasn't been always like this. Before he went into custody I had no problem with discipline. But since he came home a year ago, things have changed. I am finding myself working a lot more and sometimes to tired to wait it out. My husband who is now sober, doesn't have the patience to wait out his temper tantrums. Also there is his medical issues. He is early adhd and has a hearing delay that has slowed him down slightly. Because of his age it is difficult finding a doctor to work with him. But no problem, my 11 year old had the same issues and i survived him.
However Aiden has a new issue; hypo-sensory disorder. This is where he does not get enough stimulation from everyday activities. So to stimulate himself he becomes a dare devil. Most parents would freak if they saw their four year old trying to climb to the rough. Not me. I am used to catching him doing those kinds of things. But it takes a toll on me, I am so exhausted. He can not be left alone for a minute. And with my husbands inability to tolerate him, guess who gets all the work.
So during my staycation I decided I was not going to give into his temper tantrums. I was going to keep doing all my daily routines and he can scream it out all he wants. Boy does that kid have a set of lungs on him and stubborn as can be. He gets that from his mom lol. After a little while he moves on and then it starts again. I keep telling myself that I have to be patient. If I stay firm soon the tantrums will be over with.
Now I got to get the whole family not to give into his ways. Tonight I was giving the girls a haircut. Aiden would not leave us alone and kept trying to climb on the girls lap. So I locked him out of the room. He sat outside the door, screaming and kicking at it. Then my husband comes in and tells me he is getting out of the house cause all the screaming is giving him a headache. Really, you think. Because tyenol has become my new best friend. I know as Aiden gets older he will grow out of it, but tell then, we will see who can stand their ground the longest.
Yay I can comment now! lol
ReplyDeleteAnd I feel ya on the fight night thing, we both know who has to dicipline my kids too...